Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Values
Did You Know?
Hampshire is one of the UK’s leading aerospace and defence locations in the UK with an annual turnover of £35 billion*
In Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight, 53,000 people are employed in tech and digital businesses***
In the marine and maritime sector there are over 3000 businesses and 40,000 jobs on the South Coast employing 150,000 people**
*51% of the British workforce are women
There is significant under-representation of women and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people in Maritime, Engineering and Digital industries in the UK.
This chart represents the proportion of women working in the Maritime, Emgineering and Digtal Sectors.
Hover over the segments to see the values.
Click on the segments to see the values.
*20% of the British workforce are BAME
This chart represents the proportion of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) working in the Maritime, Emgineering and Digtal Sectors.
Hover over the segments to see the values.
Click on the segments to see the values.
Partner Up
Being a partner with the South Coast Institute of Technology brings benefits beyond promoting your business, it’s a chance to influence the direction and training for the next generation. Making sure you future proof your workforce skills for years to come. We have three levels of partnership, platinum, gold and silver. The tabs below outline the criteria required and the benefits to you.

- A local employer
- Licence agreement anchor partner
- A letter of intent offering greater than 10K of financial and / or in-kind support / year
Logo on our list of Platinum employer partners with hyperlink to Employer case study
Logo, 100-word summary and hyperlink to the careers section of your website on up to five relevant career pages
A full-page advertisement in the annual South Coast IoT Student Careers Magazine
Promotion of your events, activities and opportunities through our social media sites
Promotion of our collaboration on all school and community outreach projects
Promotion of your apprenticeships on the South Coast IoT Apprenticeship Notice board
Promotion of your job vacancies through our Education Partners’ job notice boards

- A local employer
- A letter of intent offering greater than 10K of financial and / or in-kind support / year
Logo on our list of Gold employer partners with hyperlink to your website
Logo, 100-word summary and hyperlink to the careers section (or equivalent) of your website on up to three relevant career pages
A half-page advertisement in the annual South Coast IoT Student Careers Magazine
Promotion of our collaboration through our social media sites
Promotion of our collaboration on all school and community outreach projects
Promotion of your apprenticeships on the South Coast IoT Apprenticeship Notice board
Promotion of your job vacancies through our Education Partners’ job notice boards

- A local employer
- A letter of intent offering less than 10K of financial and / or in-kind support / year
Logo on our list of silver employer partners with hyperlink to your website
Logo with hyperlink to your website on two relevant career pages
A quarter-page advertisement in the annual South Coast IoT Student Careers Magazine
Promotion of your apprenticeships on the South Coast IoT Apprenticeship Notice board
Promotion of your job vacancies through our Education Partners’ job notice boards
Our Mission
Our Values
Our Values
The broken skills pipelines and lack of talented employees into the Maritime, Engineering and Digital industries on the South Coast is OUR collective problem. Neither businesses nor educational establishments can resolve the problem on their own. Success requires businesses and educators to collaborate and build talent together.
The list below offers a wide variety of ideas for you to get involved and support talent development.
Employer Advisory Groups
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Guest lectures
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Specialist Equipment Demonstrations
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Site Visits
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Real World Assessment Briefs
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Research Collaboration
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Staff development
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Careers Events
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School STEM Ambassadors
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Work Experience
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Education Scholarships / Bursaries for Underrepresented Students
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Sponsorship of Facilities, Projects and Outreach Activities
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“A day in the life of” video
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T Level Placements
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